Krang Bread
Author: Alex Recker
Krang Bread is a simple, no fuss, versatile sourdough. It's makes as good of a sandwich, as it does french toast, as it does regular toast, and at the end of the day it still tastes great with just a swipe of butter.
Combine water and starter in a large container. Use your hands to break up the starter until it dissolves completely in the water.
Add the flour. Mix with your hands until all the flour is wet. Cover and set aside to rest for 30-45 minutes.
Remove the lid and add the salt. Fold the dough. There are plenty of videos on how to fold dough, so watch a few and pick your favorite, they're all good.
Fold the dough every 30 minutes for the next few hours. After about 3-4 hours, it will become soft, smooth, shiny, and it won't stick as much.
Wet your finger tips. Gently dislodge the dough from the container, working around the outside with your hands held flat like flippers. Dump the dough out onto a clean counter.
With wet hands, work around the outside of the dough, gently stretching it out flat like a canopy. Gently press out the air bubbles.
Fold each corner into the center and ball it up into a big bubble. Quickly flip it upside down and set it on a dry part of the counter. Allow to rest for twenty minutes.
Take note of how the dough looks after bench rest. It should be flatter, but the outsides should still be round like a bubble. If they taper, that means you didn't kneed your dough enough.
With wet hands, work your way underneath the outsides until you can quickly flip it upside down on another part of the counter. Try not to break the surface of the dough. Roll the dough into a log and transfer it onto a piece of parchment paper. In one swift motion, drop the parchment paper and dough into a 10x5 pan. Cover tightly in tinfoil and leave in the fridge over night.
Remove pan from fridge. Leave at room temperature until the dough reaches just below the top of the pan. The top should be bubbly and very runny. If possible, leave it in a warm spot or in a slightly warmed oven. Should take 2 hours.
Bake at 450F for 40 minutes, uncovered. Immediately remove from pan and leave to cool on a rack.