
Welcome to the Recker Family Cookbook!


All merged changes to the cookbook repository are automatically published, and pull requests are always welcome. Just be sure to follow these guidelines.

A Picture

Is there anything better than pictures of food? All recipes should have a picture - a real picture taken by you!


All recipes should have the following sections.


Feel free to insert a short snippet of context or meaning behind the recipe, but don't go food blogger on us and write a full blown novel.


List the materials needed for the recipe in order of appearance. Be sure to specify quantity if applicable and abbreviate units.

- eggs (3)
- flour (1/2 cup) # 0.5 cup(s) also acceptable
- sugar (1 tbsp)


List and enumerate the steps to create the recipe. Be sure to use easy-to-read imperative voice


Optionally, feel free to include references and original sources. Just define the links at the bottom of the document.


# Melted Butter


This is a secret family recipe.

## Materials

- Butter (2 tbsp)

## Procedure

1. Melt that butter
2. Look at that butter melt

### References

- [Google: "Melted Butter" query]

[Google: "Melted Butter" query]: https://google.com?q=melted+butter