Crack eggs into a bowl and beat until consistent. Add a pinch of
kosher salt and mix.
Pour milk into a separate bowl. Add a pinch of kosher salt and
In a separate bowl, mix sugar with cinnamon.
Melt butter in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Swirl the pan so
it is well-coated.
Once the butter is hissing, plunge a slice of bread into the
milk, then shake the excess off. Plunge the slice into the bowl of
egg, and shake off excess. Lay the slice in the butter. Repeat
for the remaining bread slices.
Flip each slice of bread once it has been browned and caramelized.
Use the bread slices to soak up the remaining butter so it doesn't
Remove the bread slices to a plate coated in the cinnamon sugar
mixture. Dump a little more cinnamon sugar on top and serve.
Serve immediately. Wipe out the pan of any remaining butter before
beginning another batch.